The 13th Inter-Regional Day of the AFCRT!

18 Dec 24
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Last week, the CTTC participated in the 13th Inter-Regional Day (JIR) of the AFCRT (Association Française des Centres de Ressources Technologiques). This key innovation event took place at the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in Paris.
Summary of the day
On the scheduleof this day rich in exchanges: a high-quality introduction by Estelle Dhont-Peltrault, (Head of the Innovation, Technology Transfer, and Regional Action Department at the MESR).
After this introduction, Anaïs Voy-Gillis delivered a lecture on the reindustrialization of France.
The participants also had the opportunity to engage in a roundtable discussion. Hervé Pichon, President of the AFCRT, moderated the session on the central role of Technology Resource Centers (CRT). The roundtable also addressed the role of Technology Development Centers (CDT) in the reindustrialization process.
The thematic workshops allowed for a deeper exploration of key topics with recognized experts. Among them, Aerial-CRT, Critt Agroalimentaire Sud, Ellyx, and APESA Révélateur de Solutions Durables were present. The day concluded with the presentation of the results of the "Innovation and Society" survey. This was followed by a debate on the role of social sciences and humanities in innovation, with the participation of the Institut Godin.
The CTTC, a member of the AFCRT Board of Directors, participates in this inter-regional day every year. This essential event helps strengthen ties with the innovation ecosystem and share innovative ideas.
We would like to warmly thank the AFCRT and Sandrine Lebois for organizing this 13th JIR.