Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics
The Centre de Transfert de Technologies Céramiques (CTTC) is the main organization supporting innovation in the technical ceramics sector.
The association
The Center for Technology Transfers in Ceramics (CTTC) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1984 in Limoges, and has been labelled as a Technological Resources Center by the French Ministry of Research since 1997. The CTTC is France's leading innovation support structure in the field of technical ceramics.
The association has around fifty members from industry to academic labs, through technical centers and physical persons. The President is Mr Guillaume de CALAN (Chairman and co-founder of Nanoe), and the Director is Dr Olivier DURAND.

Manufacturing Pilot Line
The CTTC is setting up a pilot manufacturing line for ceramic parts for aeronautical spark plugs.
Opening a FabLab
The CTTC opens its FabLab, EASYCERAM, to enable individuals, students and project leaders to work together on a wide range of projects.
The CTTC spins off its subsidiary Ceram pilot. It will become 3D CERAM.
Manufacturing Pilot Line
The CTTC is setting up a pilot manufacturing line for ceramic parts for the fragrance diffusion.
The CTTC moves into its new building at 7 rue Soyouz, Ester technological park.
CRT certification
The CTTC was one of the first Techological Resources Centres to be awarded this French Label of quality and profesionalism.
CTTC joins the ESTER technological park.
Setting up the first technical workshop
CTTC sets up the first R&D workshop on ceramic shaping.
The CTTC is created
as a non profit association under the French Law